심뇌혈관 및 대사질환 원인연구센터


게시글 목록
No 제목 작성자 등록일 조회수
100 [4세부] Activation of human natural killer cells by the soluble form of cellular prion protein. 관리자 2017/09/15 5522
99 [4세부] Predictive long-range allele-specific mapping of regulatory variants and target transcripts 관리자 2017/09/15 5679
98 [4세부] Network perturbation by recurrent regulatory variants in cancer 관리자 2017/09/15 6395
97 [4세부] Indoxyl sulfate (IS)-mediated immune dysfunction provokes endothelial damage in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) 관리자 2017/09/15 6632
96 [4세부] Unusual CD4+CD28− T Cells and Their Pathogenic Role in Chronic Inflammatory Disorders 관리자 2017/09/15 6529
95 [4세부] Monosodium urate crystal-induced pro-interleukin-1β production is post-transcriptionally regulated via the p38 signaling pathway in human monocytes 관리자 2017/09/15 7000
94 [3세부] Metabolic syndrome predicts long-term mortality in subjects without established diabetes mellitus in asymptomatic Korean population 관리자 2017/09/15 6935
93 [3세부] The Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Vascular Biomarkers in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease 관리자 2017/09/15 5804
92 [3세부] The Role of Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring for Blood Pressure Control 관리자 2017/09/15 5819
91 [3세부] Target Blood Pressure in Patients with Diabetes: Asian Perspective 관리자 2017/09/15 7056
90 [3세부] Lack of Superiority for Soluble ST2 over High Sensitive C-Reactive Protein in Predicting High Risk Coronary Artery Calcium Score in a Community Cohort 관리자 2017/09/15 6035
89 [3세부] Treatment of uncomplicated hypertension is associated with a reduction in cardiovascularmortality: a Korean national cohort study 관리자 2017/09/15 5960
88 [3세부] Efficacy of aspirin and statins in primary prevention of cardiovascularmortality in uncomplicated hypertensive participants: a Korean national cohort stud 관리자 2017/09/15 6177
87 [2세부] Association of Morning Hypertension Subtype With Vascular Target Organ Damage and Central Hemodynamics 관리자 2017/09/15 6485
86 [2세부] Lessons from a cardiovascular outcome trial with liraglutide in type 2 diabetes 관리자 2017/09/15 7085
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