심뇌혈관 및 대사질환 원인연구센터


게시글 목록
No 제목 작성자 등록일 조회수
70 [1세부] Association between changes in systolic blood pressure and incident diabetes in a community-based cohort study in Korea 관리자 2017/09/12 6303
69 [1세부] Prevalence of Comorbidity among People with Hypertension: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2013 관리자 2017/09/12 5432
68 [1세부] Relationship between metabolic syndrome components and periodontal health determined using a self-reported questionnaire 관리자 2017/09/11 5033
67 [1세부] Comparison of Formulas for Calculating Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in General Population and High-risk Patients with Cardiovascular Disease 관리자 2017/09/11 5155
66 [1세부] Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases Etiology Research Center (CMERC) cohort: study protocol and results of the first 3 years of enrollment 관리자 2017/09/11 6762
65 [2세부] Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentration Is Independently Inversely Associated with Insulin Resistance in the Healthy, Non-Obese Korean Population 관리자 2017/09/11 5579
64 [2세부] Urinary adiponectin and progression of diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetes 관리자 2017/09/11 6172
63 [1세부] Thirty-Year Trends in Mortality from Cerebrovascular Diseases in Korea 관리자 2017/09/11 6313
62 [1세부] Association of Kidney Disease Measures with Cause-Specific Mortality: The Korean Heart Study 관리자 2017/09/11 6279
61 [1세부] Inter-Arm Difference in Brachial Blood Pressure in the General Population of Koreans 관리자 2017/09/11 5491
60 [1세부] Epidemiology of dyslipidemia in Korea 관리자 2017/09/11 5073
59 [3세부] Clinical Features of Obstructive Sleep Apnea That Determine Its High Prevalence in Resistant Hypertension 관리자 2017/09/11 5159
58 [3세부] Lack of association between arterial stiffness and genetic variants by genome-wide association scan 관리자 2017/09/11 5395
57 [4세부] Expansion of CD8+ T cells lacking the IL-6 receptor a chain in patients with coronary artery diseases (CAD) 관리자 2016/06/17 6114
56 [4세부] T cell senescence and cardiovascular diseases 관리자 2016/06/17 6480
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