심뇌혈관 및 대사질환 원인연구센터


게시글 목록
No 제목 작성자 등록일 조회수
25 [2세부]Association of metabolic syndrome with coronary artery calcification 관리자 2015/05/28 6271
24 [2세부]Persistent organic pollutants and promoter hypermethylation of the O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase gene 관리자 2015/05/28 5673
23 [2세부] New risk factors for obesity and diabetes: Environmental chemicals 관리자 2015/05/28 5627
22 [2세부]Synergistic interactionbetweenpolycyclicaromatichydrocarbons and environmentaltobaccosmokeontheriskofobesityinchildren and adolescents:TheU.S.NationalHealt 관리자 2015/05/28 5283
21 [2세부]Hormesis and public health: can glutathione depletion and mitochondrial dysfunction due to very low-dose chronic exposure to persistent organic pollutants 관리자 2015/05/28 6937
20 [2세부]Prospective associations between persistent organic pollutants and metabolic syndrome: A nested case–control study 관리자 2015/05/28 5249
19 [2세부]Different associations between obesity and impaired fasting glucose depending on serum gamma-glutamyltransferase levels within normal range: a cross-sectio 관리자 2015/05/28 6200
18 [2세부]Relationship of Serum Gamma-Glutamyltransferase Levels with Pulmonary Function and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 관리자 2015/05/28 5064
17 [2세부]Chlorinated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes 관리자 2015/05/28 5047
16 [1세부]Measures of Adiposity in the Identification of Metabolic Abnormalities in Middle-aged and Older Korean Adults 관리자 2015/05/22 5072
15 [1세부]Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass and Insulin Resistance in an Elderly Korean Population: The Korean Social Life, Health and Aging Project-Health Examinati 관리자 2015/05/22 5196
14 [1세부]Gender Differences in Hypertension Control Among Older Korean Adults: Korean Social Life, Health, and Aging Project 관리자 2015/05/22 5323
13 [1세부] Dietary assessment methods in epidemiologic studies 관리자 2015/05/22 5179
12 [1세부]Association between stressful life events and resting heart rate 관리자 2015/05/22 6607
11 [1세부]Research: Epidemiology Performance of HbA1c for the prediction of diabetes in a rural community in Korea 관리자 2015/05/22 5819
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