심뇌혈관 및 대사질환 원인연구센터


게시글 목록
No 제목 작성자 등록일 조회수
10 [1세부] Association between Fibrinogen and Carotid Atherosclerosis According to Smoking Status in a Korean Male Population 관리자 2015/05/22 6470
9 [1세부] Thirty-Year Trends in Mortality from Cardiovascular Diseases in Korea 관리자 2015/05/22 7100
8 [1세부]Effects of Age, Sex, and Menopausal Status on Blood Cholesterol Profile in the Korean Population 관리자 2015/05/22 5090
7 [1세부] Association between C reactive protein level and depressive symptoms in an elderly Korean population: Korean Social Life, Health and Aging Project 관리자 2015/05/22 5063
6 [1세부] Social network properties and self-rated health in later life: comparisons from the Korean social life, health, and aging project and the national social 관리자 2015/05/22 5150
5 [2세부] Non-laboratory-based self-assessment screening score for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: development, validation and comparison with other scores. 관리자 2014/11/25 5248
4 [3세부] The Role of Carotid Ultrasound for Cardiovascular Risk Stratification beyond Traditional Risk Factors 관리자 2014/11/25 6145
3 [2세부] Paradoxical Associations of Insulin Resistance With Total and Cardiovascular Mortality in Humans. 관리자 2014/11/25 4949
2 [1세부] A coronary heart disease prediction model: the Korean Heart Study 관리자 2014/11/25 5956
1 [1세부] Development and Application of Chronic Disease Risk Prediction Models 관리자 2014/11/25 4817
처음 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 다음 끝(7페이지)


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